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Find Your Why:
When going after your goals, knowing your why is powerful. Your WHY gives you purpose, and purpose is an incredible fuel for motivation.

Find Your Why - Worksheet:
To the right you will find a PDF version of the WHY worksheet designed to help you connect with your WHY. I encourage you to take advantage of this free tool. Complete it digitally or feel free to print a copy to complete the next time you are curled up on a cozy chair with your favorite blanket and a cup of coffee or hot tea or even a glass of prosecco. Click on the PDF icon to dowload.

My Advice:
When completing this, be honest with yourself and NO judgement. Dive deep, connect with your goals, hopes, and dreams to find your
WHY. Once you have that, make a plan, a series of small steps/ gradual changes to chase down your goal and to finally live the life you want.
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WHY Worksheet
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